Check out some of our favorite performances and recording projects!

Cascadian Concerto by Eric Ewazen with Alamo City Symphony Viva
Adelante Winds collaborated with Alamo City Symphony Viva to bring the first movement of Eric Ewazen's Cascadian Concerto to the San Antonio community in March 2023.
"Water Voyages" - Alex Shapiro
A small snippet from our 2023 concert as a part of KMFA's Offbeat Series. Check out the full playlist of works here.
Woodwind Quintet Concert for Middle School and High School
In collaboration with Austin Chamber Music Center, we created educational concert videos for elementary, middle, and high school students.
Rain Sunshine: A Quarantine Blues
Adelante Winds commissioned Rain Sunshine: A Quarantine Blues by Carle Jordan Wirshba as part of the B.R.E.A.T.H.E Collective. B.R.E.A.T.H.E Blending Responsive Experiences of Art Towards Healing Empathy The ‘Breathe’ Collective is a commission and recording project engaging underrepresented composers in the creation of new works for winds that illuminate the significance of breath in an ongoing cultural narrative about systemic racism, police brutality against the black community, and the impact of COVID-19.